For those who love Sex and the City, here it is a strawberry diet cake :-) that goes really well with a cosmopolitan hehehe
My friends and I went to the premiere at 12:01 to watch the movie, BUT before that we met at a Bar, which I am not allowed to say the name, to have some drinks, laugh, and talk!
The idea of the sex and the city cake came suddenly, while I was thinking about what to create for my last class at WC IV, which was on a monday night, perfect until just decided to cover up with white basic fondant, and take some food color paint to have a different look. First, I painted the cake with a pink paint, then, I painted the city - free hand, put some crazy smokes.
The Shoe was made on Tuesday night, but I keep it with some napkins and instruments to make it stay in the same position. I add some fondant circles, letters and that's it!
Oh, the filling was good for me and the cake was very soft, I've used strawberry jelly + cheesecake icing and super moist Betty Crocker brand cake mixture.
Also, I want to post a cute and delicious brownie that Simone made it for the same ocasion!
Follow the next post!